Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that uses an integrative approach which may be used a sole treatment or in conjunction with more conventional methods to improve successful outcomes. Acupuncture dates back more than 2000 years being successfully used first by the Chinese as a way to treat numerous ailments.
There are 3 main methods used in acupuncture
1. Stimulating predefined points- reactive points in or near depressions where nerves/vessels emerge from deep within the musculature
2. Dry needling- placing by hand sterile needles into points along channels of affected areas. The use of moxibustion, a herbal warming treatment to bring heat to an area. Electro stimulation is the use of electrode leads to send currents between points to increase the effectiveness of the needles alone.
3. Other methods: aquapuncture, Laser therapy and acupressure
The most common uses for acupuncture and other forms of traditional Chinese medicine are associated with the management of pain and musculoskeletal problems such as arthritis, intervertebral disc disease, or traumatic nerve & muscle injury among others. Another common use of acupuncture is the management of geriatric patients. Benefits may be seen once typical western medicine modalities have failed, caused unwanted side effects, or have led to multiple drug interactions affecting several organ systems.
The World Health Organization (WHO) 2003 has a review and analysis of reports on controlled clinical trials and lists diseases, symptoms and conditions to which acupuncture has been proven to be an effective treatment for humans. Feel free to look at the scientific proof of the benefits of acupuncture. A few of the benefits listed include: musculoskeletal problems (sprains, strains and pain), respiratory problems (coughing, and allergies), along with diarrhea, colic, nausea and vomiting.
Sessions usually consist of a Traditional Chinese Medical examination and an acupuncture session. Follow up therapy and amount of sessions required is contingent on your veterinarian’s discretion. Usually 3 or more treatments are necessary to determine a successful treatment. Subsequent treatments may be needed to maintain each patients comfort level and to minimize their symptoms.
Call today if you have any questions or schedule an appointment to see if your pet’s symptoms can be treated with acupuncture alone or in conjugation with conventional treatments.